The Prince of the Pond by Donna Jo Napoli, illustrated by Judith Byron Schachner
This is a retelling of The Frog Prince. Napoli has many other enchanting fairytale retellings, so I thought this was worth a try.
De Fawg Pin (The Frog Prince..........has a severe speech disorder since he isn't used to talking with such a huge froggy tongue) is found by a girl frog, just after he has been turned into a frog by the hag.
The story is told by the girl frog (eventually named Jade). She is a rather smart frog and takes Pin under her wing (frog leg) since he seems not to know anything about being a frog. She teaches him to hop, swim and eat! Pin also learns that frogs usually don't help each other. They are a happy species but not helpful. Things begin to change when Jade realizes that she really likes Pin. They make a ton of tadpoles, which Pin convinces Jade they need to care for........highly unusual for a frog to do..........once you are fertilized, you're on your own. They raise up 50 of their tadpoles in a well. One decides to stay with them..........Jimmy, named after Pin's father. Jade never figures out Pin is a prince and she thinks he is lying about having a family and remembering his father........and eating beef.
Eventually the hag returns and captures Jimmy. Now that Jade and Pin love their tadpoles, they can't let the hag eat him. They save Jimmy and return to their mating hole..........the well. Upon arrival they see a princess. She picks Jimmy up and is about to kiss him. Jade thinks the princess is going to eat her baby and emplores Pin to save their son. Pin jumps in the way and smooch!! He gets the kiss. The Fawg Pin disappears never to be seen again and in his place, a naked prince. The poor frog family and frog wife are left behind. Sad ending.
This is a great family read. It's cute and short (I read most of it while taking a bath after beddy bye). It also has great illustrations. Good lesson on family.
Rating 3.5 This is a good book, just not Napoli's best...........and honestly, I like happy endings.
Rating 5 Clean enough to read out loud to your little ones.
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025
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