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Sunday, March 14, 2010


Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

In the future world that Tally lives in, everyone becomes pretty.  At age sixteen all of the Uglies (genetically normal without help of cosmetic surgery) get their chance under the knife and ta da......Pretty.  Science has determined what is attractive to the eye.  Once you are gorgeous, you move to the Pretty side of town, where you basically party till you drop.
Tally's sixteenth birthday is upon her.  Just as Tally is about to receive the surgery she has been dying for, when she meets Shay.  Shay is another Ugly that teaches Tally there is another way than Pretty.  Tally runs away from the only society that she ever knew existed.  She enters a world where people are genuine.  Tally learns that turning Pretty might be more than skin could also alter who you are.

Loved the idea of this book.  It did take me forever and a day to read because I've been tied up.  I can't decide if it was the speed with which I read it or that it was actually just meh.  It was a little lack luster for me.  It could have been seriously meaty, but somehow I felt nothing for the characters.  The traveling parts were boring.  This book is a trilogy and if I get around to it I might read the next two.  I wanted it to be awesome and it just wasn't. 

Rating 3
Rating PG  Very clean book considering the target audience is creamed with sex lately.  I think there may have been a few kisses and a knock on the head.

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