A Far, Far Better Place by Anita Stansfield
Well you already know my opinion about having a police type in the book. Anita couldn't have chosen a better character. She did not however take my advice and make him normal.....meaning, living on the wages the state feels inclined to drizzle his way. Ah, but he is so manly no matter his independent wealth.
Former Agent Jackson Leeds and his wife Chas run a little B&B. Jackson and Chas are hap, hap, happy with their little inn and their little baby Charles. Ah, but Stansfield can't let a good thing carry on for long. Jackson's semi estranged mother dies. Jackson promises her as she lay dying, to forgive his abusive father (who is also dead). The anger and hurt that Jackson has always felt for his father bubbles to the surface as his mind and heart refuse to forgive the evil doings. His intense feelings merge with the PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) that he suffers from due to being kidnapped and tortured as an FBI agent. Jackson must find away to forgive his father so that his humble life with Chas can continue.
Sometimes I feel like Stansfield uses the same situations with new faces. I would have to admit that this book is a type of many of her other books. I did enjoy that she carefully illustrated being a strong, tolerant, loving and supportive spouse. Chas never even seemed like she wanted to bust a cap in Jackson even though I am sure he was hard to deal with. She also does a good job of weaving in gospel principles in a way that you can see how they would work in a regular person's life (regular except for the fact that Jackson is always at home to help with the baby and dishes......er getting way from myself). Besides PTSD, which I found interesting, Stansfield's story centered on forgiveness. How we all like to hold those grudges close to our hearts and cling on to them by digging in our fingernails! She was able to show more than one side of the damage, and by doing so, how forgiveness is really for the forgiver. Letting go of that rubble we pack around can be for us, not just the one we forgive.
Rating 3.5
Rating PG.....the kissing in the night, I am sure lead to sex between a married couple...but that was only insinuated.
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025
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