The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball
After all of these years, I have never read this book before. I finally found it at a library sale for fifty cents and decided to buy it. I started months ago and wasn't feeling it. But once I had one of those intense PMS days, where you see your life stretching out before you struggle up the down escalator of life...and I felt like since I was already down I could take a good kick in the teeth. (You know how sometimes you're down and you just want to really GET DOWN?) So I set out with my pen to mark up the book.
I can't say that I am behind every word uttered in the book. I've never been called a prude (well I take that back) so don't believe what I say......but I don't feel like I'm a sinner when I wear shorts. Also, I drove a car in my teen years and made it to adulthood fairly unscathed. I also have a much more tolerant view of homosexuality. That said, the actual doctrine of repentance was five star. There were some amazing quotes and my book is totally written all over.
In the beginning I will say that it seems harsh, but I like harsh. Don't hold back on me. I know Heavenly Father loves me despite the fact that I am a cold hearted, quick to anger, justice seeking, judgemental fool. And I had a lot of hope that if I can just be merciful to others, (if I can then I will also be given mercy.
My fave quote..."You can't flirt with sin and be repentant." something like that. I guess I better stop batting my lashes then.
Grade 5
Grade PG 13 Frank discussion about homosexuality and sex.
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025
6 days ago
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