Eve And The Choice Made In Eden by Beverly Campbell
This was not my first reading of this book so I may be more critical this time. There was nothing wrong with the book first off. I am just not a go get em' feminista. I have never thought that one gender was any more important than the other. I do believe that each gender has some unique and specific roles better played by them. I do not want to be a man. I have never thought Adam and Eve made a mistake. I have never thought it was all Eve's fault (although I have had a poorly educated religious leader tell a group of young women that......boo hiss! I promptly corrected his male chauvinist attitude.).
The back cover states, "Understanding what happened in the Garden can change your life." I guess that is possible if you have any misconceived notions such as the ones stated above. Considering that I don't.........my life is still the same.
The book does try to pump up Eve which I don't have a problem with. She certainly rocked or she wouldn't have been Eve. I would only hate for anyone to read and feel superior. Adam and Eve were equal in intelligence and power. They were just different.....which is why it is so great. I feel like hopefully Campbell put this across.
I do however LOVE that Campbell explains through doctrine the difference between sin and transgression AND the fact that there was transgression in the Garden......not sin. She also hits on mercy vs. justice which is a topic I always enjoy. And the information also covers the thought that Adam and Eve probably had a trying time contemplating what to do. This may have taken years, not like one afternoon. The author also delves into the difference in ways that men and women assess morality, decision making and risk taking. To round it all out she makes us aware that this was all part of the Plan and not a mistake or whim. Adam and Eve had to use their own agency to leave the Garden and the presence of God. God made a Plan whereby this would take place and then there would be a way already in the works to be able to return. Campbell also puts forth the thought that although Satan tried to thwart the Plan, he really just helped the right thing to happen.
In all I really enjoyed the book especially the points with doctrine to uphold it. My life wasn't changed because I already believed I am divine in my own right......and that women are just as great as men. I do like that this may strike a chord with those thinking that women of our faith submit like a beaten puppy. Not so. We make our own choices and only follow men of faith.
Rating 5 I give it a five because I feel like this is something you could read every few years. Mostly my favorite parts were the ones about the difference between transgression and sin. This is something I like to keep straight in my mind and I need to brush up on the specifics.
Rating G
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6 days ago